Bird Watching

Sandwiched between the lofty green-shrouded Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea lies Kerala, the quiet mystic – Gods Own Country. Kerala is well endowed with avifauna as nearly 500 species of resident and migratory birds abound in this area. Lush green tropical forests, numerous freshwater and brackish lakes and waterlogged paddy fields form the major birding habitats of this region. Since the time when Prof:K.K.Neelakantan first mesmerised a wide audience with his entertaining books in Malayalam; birdwatching has caught the public imagination. Kerala is both literally and metaphorically lush! Out of the sticky heat it feels as if the plants are growing as you watch and you will not be disappointed with the birds.The new Kerala mailing list is the result of growing interest in birding and provides a digital habitat for birders of Kerala.

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